What We Do
Our Services
We work with you as a whole person. As accredited ICF coaches, we work with individuals to develop a mastery of oneself. We help you develop self-awareness, lean into your strengths, and uncover blind spots while you move towards inspired personal and professional goals.
Leading Self
Uncover your values
Identify and achieve your personal and professional goals
Develop your individual and team leadership capabilities
Understand your strengths
Learn how to work with and through conflict and potentially difficult conversations
Create integration between your work-life and your “not-work life”
You are the expert on your life with unique talents, insights, beliefs, and values
Exploring beyond the current thinking evokes possibility
A learning and growth mindset will help you to achieve your personal and professional goals
Courage is the gateway to change
We partner with you and your team(s) and we take a systems approach in doing this. We are trained in organizational relationship systems coaching and other group and team coaching methodologies. We help you and your team challenge the status quo and develop collaborative leadership through collective learning which leads to change. With teams evolving in remote work environments, we help your organization support them virtually to create structures such as shared purpose and processes for communication and conflict mitigation.
Leading Others
Become aware of team dynamics, strengths opportunities and blind spots
Understand the team as a relationship system in and of itself and learn how to work within that relationship system for full effectiveness
Come away with tools to enhance relationships and develop trust within your team
Curiosity builds bridges
The wisdom is in the room
Conflict is a sign that something new is trying to happen
The output of team trust is psychological safety
A resilient team is a productive team (CRR Global, 2022)
We are changemakers, we inspire other changemakers. We partner with you, your team and your organization to determine the current and ideal future and collaborate with you to develop change plans to address the current and ideal future gaps. We engage with the whole system and co-develop solutions with stakeholders, clients, partners and leaders across systems as our guides.
Leading Change
Understand itself as a complex adaptive system, with it’s gifts and barriers
Engage with people to develop shared understanding of the current state and co-create the desired future
Together uncover points of leverage for transformative change
Discover the importance of people as your organization’s DNA and competitive advantage in leading change
Change is inevitable, so lead the change
Leadership is shared in the system and all voices should be heard
Transformation happens when relationships between people who make up the system are transformed (Kania, Kramer & Senge, 2018)
Our Process
How We Work
The scholar-practitioner model sets us apart - we take what we know is the best evidence and then apply it to a real-world challenge and partner with clients to lead through change in self, team, and system. We stay current. We simultaneously work within all areas of change - individual, structural, and relationship- and uncover complex power dynamics. How we work represents our core values.
We are intentional and honour the traditional territories and lands of those who came before us
We develop authentic relationships and collaborate with many toward collective action for change
We engage our associates based on the skill sets required for the client needs and goals
We engage with partners and stakeholders with openness and transparency
We focus on individual and organizational learning as a foundation for developing leadership and organizational capabilities
We work from an appreciative stance grounded in action research and a connection to the natural world
We apply academic and professional rigour in our approach
We have fun!
Resources & Good Reads